Call for papers

Scope of Submissions

DEGRES JOURNAL is an open access journal. It publishes academic articles, research and books, reviews, and informative essays. Its main aim is to foster research and to make quality information available to a broader public of readers and Internet users. Special attention is dedicated to cutting edge and disruptive Applied Technological Research related to culture, various art forms, Technology management, Engineering Applications, Humanitarian technologies, and biomedical applications.

Contributions in DEGRES JOURNAL are welcome, journal secures:

Open access to contribution

Peer-review by international experts


Science, Engineering and Technology

Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Physical Sciences and Environment

Biological & Medical Sciences

Management and Commerce

Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences


Biomedical Engineering 

Dental Science

Integrative Medicine – viz

Healthcare- viz

Medical Science

Architectural and design research

Urban planning research

Architectural and design research

Architectural and design theory

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